Problems in seed banks
1998/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
According to some German scientists, many cereal seeds that are kept in seed banks around the world are being contaminated and lost. These seeds are usually ancient varieties and it is up to these banks to preserve their characteristics.
Samples of oat seeds dated 1831 were studied at the University of Hohenheim. These seeds were obtained from the remains of the old Nuremberg theatre in 1956. During this time they have been kept in the seed banks of Austria and Germany. To ensure the viability of these seeds, new seeds are sown and obtained.
Scientists have studied the proteins of these waves from these seed banks. Most samples present an identical protein model and correspond to the two original varieties, but some samples have detected that the protein pattern does not correspond to the original. Therefore, these oat varieties have been contaminated with other varieties.
According to these researchers, such seed banks can play an important role in future cultivation. The main responsible for these losses would be the lack of attention and money, and it is believed that banks around the world suffer similar problems, questioning their main role.

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