
Incidents of Missing Migrants on Mobile Phones

2002/06/12 Elhuyar Zientzia

A group of Irish researchers has installed in their body some 30 g emitters to six Atlantic migratory geese. Thanks to these devices, scientists will be able to follow six black embroidery on the route from Ireland to the west of Canada. In addition, they will be able to know and analyze where the geese remain and what is their favorite climate. All of this will be reported weekly to nature lovers who have granted the help to carry out this research, sending a message to their mobile phones. Information about the trip of these ducks will also be published online.

The scientists have applied six brantas to them. In fact, these ducks tend to proliferate in Canada and it would be dangerous for females to add some such device in reproductive times.

This study would also serve for the return trip, according to scientists. So far it has been possible to obtain very little information on the path of ducks to Europe in autumn and this research could be of great utility.

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