Anorexia and bulimia
2004/10/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

This, together with other factors, has meant an increase in food mixtures. Although they can appear in all ages and in men, adolescent women suffer the most from these diseases.
The psychological characteristics of people with anorexia or bulimia are:
- Low self-esteem: negative thoughts about themselves. Restlessness and misperception about body image: despite their thinness, they look obese. Fear of fattening. Strange eating habits: not respecting meals properly, cutting food too much, etc. Excessive concern for food. Irritability, depression. Perfectionism in part.
Physiological effects of anorexia
People with anorexia usually start to lose weight with an uncontrolled diet. On their own they begin to dispense with certain foods, initially sweet or, according to them, more fattening. In this way, they gradually take less and do not know how to end this situation. They lose more than enough, but yet they see their body thickened. The first physical consequence, and the one that looks good from the outside, is logically that of slimming, but at the same time, due to the lack of certain nutrients, the following consequences appear:
- Lack of rule in women. Low voltage. Slowed heart rate. The speed of emptying the stomach decreases, with the consequent pain of gut and constipation. Hair falls, skin dries and nails break easily. The level of defense decreases and, therefore, it is easier to get sick. This situation also implies an increase in negative psychological characteristics (lower self-esteem, greater depression...) and the inclusion of the patient in a negative circle.
Physiological effects of bulimia

At the origin of bulimia is normally a situation of depression anxiety caused by different life situations. This situation leads the patient to make huge meals in secret. Then the person feels very bad and tries to expel the person who has hospitalized her: many physical exercises, fasts, vomiting... It is not so thin and therefore more difficult than anorexia. However, this situation causes a huge body imbalance. Some conclusions are:
- Menstrual abnormalities. Changes in tension and changes in heart rhythm. Esophagitis, gastritis, esophagus, diaphragm, and stomach. Constipation and/or diarrhea. Mouth problems: gum disease, impaired tooth enamel, increased salivary glands... Dry skin, dehydration. Lack of sodium, potassium, and chlorine in the blood.
- And, as in the case of anorexia, this makes the patient feel worse and worse.
Both diseases face two faces:
On the one hand, psychological: SELF-ASSESSMENT is very important, how they look and feel in the environment. When they feel bad, these people use food to comfort, which makes them feel even worse. To face these negative feelings it is essential to seek other resources.
On the other hand, dietary: Learn to feed. Everyone must learn to eat healthy and balanced according to their physical characteristics and lifestyle.
Tips to avoid these diseases
- There are many flats suitable for each age, sex and height, as you also have to consider the figure. Each body image has its special appeal: accept your image. Value your body and the possibilities it offers you. Don't be fooled by advertising: you don't need to be thin to succeed in life and be happy. All thin ones are not happy. Look at yourself in the mirror and learn to see and value all the positive aspects of your body. Remember that the “perfect body” is a concept created by someone with their own subjective criteria.
- In life there are moments, relationships, situations, opportunities... to fully enjoy. It is regrettable that depending on the body image you miss all this.

- Respect others: accept differences, understand their mistakes. We all have our capabilities and limitations. Learn to recognize and accept. Those who love you really love you as you are. I love you as well.
- Learn to express, communicate to others its good characteristics.
- It is very dangerous to make self-slimming diets. Always go to an expert with the attitude of learning to feed. Eating everything is essential and he will tell you how much and how you should eat according to your body. Whenever you can, try to eat with others and enjoy meals: participate in the talks that are generated. Intercalar exercise, always with moderation and without excesses.
- Respect meals. Remember to do between 3 and 5 meals a day, depending on age, schedule, etc. of each. Give the body what it really needs.
- Don't let your friends cool down. Be and enjoy with them. Be critical as a consumer, reader or viewer. Have your own ideas. Do not fall into dependence on fashion. Keep your opinions and rights without aggressiveness, trusting yourself.

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