Angel Emparanza: “This technique is reliable”
2001/09/01 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
What is the main novelty of this implant system?
If necessary, people may think that the most important novelty is that all teeth are put on the same day, but that is not true. Already with other techniques it was possible to place all teeth on the same day. The most remarkable feature of this system are the structures performed above. Thanks to these structures, from the moment the implants are placed a great rigidity is achieved and movements are avoided in the rest of the implant techniques.
Is this technique very new?
This technique began to be used about 6 years ago in Sweden, but in the laboratory. It has been made available to the public at the beginning of the year. We have already used it in the state in Barcelona, Madrid and, of course, here in Donostia.
Have you performed well? How long can implants applied with this technique last?
Since the treatment is new, the duration of the teeth cannot be indicated. However, we know that patients implanted 30 years ago with other techniques still have implants, that is, 80% of those who then implanted still have implants. Similarly, we know that 20% have not lost them. We believe that today things are getting better than 30 years ago, implants have been improved, materials… and therefore, we could say that this treatment is reliable, has some guarantee. However, we know that this technique cannot be used with anyone.
With whom can it be used?
Well, the first thing to take into account is that the patient will be placed pre-machined parts. This means that the patient must have certain characteristics, the shape of the jaw is important, it must also be fixed in the way of chewing, in the quality of the bone, etc. Before making the decision to repair teeth in this way, it is necessary to analyze in depth all cases, as irreversible unforeseen may appear. For example, if after placing the implants we ran out of enough height to place the teeth, it was over! We could do nothing because these implants only serve this system. With this I mean that the new technique is very useful, suitable and interesting, but if before several conditions are met.

Only with this technique you work with the lower jaws. Why? Because in the upper jaw there are too many nerves?
That is to be taken into account, but the reason is another. This technique, still very recent, has been researched and developed with a view to the lower jaw. In fact, if the lower jaw has anatomical characteristics that allow the use of this type of techniques, it also has an adequate shape and a sufficient bone consistency. The upper jaw does not have these characteristics, but this does not mean that this technique conforms to work in the lower jaw. At the moment we are investigating the use of a similar technique in the upper jaw to see if similar treatments can be performed, but there are still no results that can be offered to the public.
Listen! During the intervention I was struck by the patient's condition, half sleep.
The intervention consists, on the one hand, in the application of sedatives for sedation and, on the other, in the numbness of the mouth with local anesthesia. We prefer to work like that. It would be possible for the patient to fully sleep, but if he is half asleep, he can help us at various times during the intervention, although he does not realize what is happening during the intervention. In addition, it should be noted that in this way the recovery of the patient will be much better and faster.
Therefore, it does not suffer any harm.
No, because we totally block your mouth with local anesthesia. He breathes spontaneously and we totally control the patient, we know how he is breathing, how many pulsations he has... but being aware, he keeps the muscle tone and can follow our instructions during the intervention.
And then? Need special care?
After the intervention you need to go to the consultation several times, but in the future you will only have to make regular visits once a year. During these visits, there is mainly a control over mouth care and cleaning habits.
I know the next question will not like you too much. The truth is that asking can also be reckless, but readers deserve so much. How much to pay to place new teeth in the lower jaw?
Well, what would have to be paid if these teeth were placed one by one is about 1,500,000 pesetas. Yes, without waiting for months.

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