
Definitive sterilization method without general anesthesia

2002/10/31 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The Dexeus University Institute presents a revolutionary method for the definitive sterilization of women. The new method is called STOP and consists of introducing a microfilament at the beginning of the tubes. We say revolutionary, unlike the links of the tubes, that does not require surgical intervention.

The microfilament has 4 cm in length, 0.8 mm in diameter and spiral shape. Enter the vagina with a thread until the beginning of the tubes. The operation lasts about a quarter of an hour and is sufficient with the administration of local anesthesia. After an hour, the woman can return home and, after a 24-hour break, follow daily activities.

At the moment there has been no negative reaction, since the materials used for the execution of this device are biocompatible, being titanium, stainless steel and nickel. There are already 3,000 women who have put it around the world. In 99.9% of cases the target was achieved and 97% of women were satisfied with the result. In addition, it does not influence the rule or sexual relations.

The STOP method is suitable for all women who want to sterilize it definitively and will also be much cheaper than joining tubes. The price of the microfilament is 900 euros.

How it works

The device is placed at the beginning of the tubes and through two mechanisms manages to prevent the eggs from leaving the tube. On the one hand, it occupies a place in the trumpet and, above all, causes an inflammation in the walls of the tubes. As a result of this reaction, the walls of the tubes swell until the microfilament is surrounded and the trunk path is completely blocked or closed.

Three months later, the woman has to undergo a review. An X-ray is done on the abdomen to make sure the tube is closed. During these three months it is recommended that the couple use another contraceptive.

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