Asbestos, hazardous protection
1995/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Its use is currently fully regulated, but the problem comes in advance. We refer to asbestos with a combustible mineral formed by readers, magnesium silicates and hydrated calcium. In fact, the Belgian government has detected in more than 3,000 buildings the pollution produced by asbestos and it will have to allocate 240,000 million pesetas to be able to reuse them “cleaning them”.
It is not a joke. Today there is no doubt that asbestos causes cancer. This has been confirmed by all research on mineral toxicity, with a small number sufficient to increase the risk factor. However, there were no studies at a time when the use of asbestos was absolutely normal. For example, in the 1960s in Belgium fireproof material was used without measures to protect buildings.
The problem, therefore, is not this morning. The problem was first detected in the building called Berlaymont, which was still the headquarters of the European Commission. Also, in the building considered as a symbol will begin soon reuse works.

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