
Alcohol, endorphins and more

2009/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Alcohol, endorphins and more
09/01/2009 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

They have seen the influence of alcohol on endorphin release and in vivo brain reward system

Although it is easy to see that alcohol acts on the brain, it is not so easy to know the circumstances of exposure. Now, a team of researchers at McGill University in Canada has shown that alcohol acts on one of the most primitive parts of the brain. In addition, they have confirmed that moderate alcohol consumption increases the release of endorphins.

The researchers already knew that alcohol influenced based on research on test tubes. However, the conclusions obtained from such tests are indirect and the researchers had great limitations for their interpretation.

Microdialysis has been used to overcome the barrier, as it can be used with live animals. Through it, the influence of alcohol on the central brain's VTA zone has been studied, where endorphins and other opioids are released. Thus, they have shown that small and moderate doses of alcohol, and not large, cause the release of endorphins in the VTA zone.

According to researchers, the VTA field is "key" in the influence of alcohol on the brain reward system. In fact, the reward system reinforces the drive to alcohol consumption and gives a similar boost to other addictive substances. Therefore, they consider that this research can serve to look for concrete ways to treat alcohol addiction, since this brain area is very similar in people and rats.

Anatomy/Physiology; Medicine

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