Seaweed containers
2002/10/16 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The research team has used dry brown algae to make the material, since both the entire plant and the alginates of the cell wall are very suitable to inflate them, form foam and give the desired shape. In addition, these algae are abundant and grow in groups in seas around the world.
Polystyrene is replaced by other biodegradable materials such as corn and potato, which are very attractive for insects and mice. In addition, corn or potatoes grown for industrial use occupy land suitable for agriculture. Therefore, the use of algae seems to have remarkable advantages.
According to researchers, Chinese fast food companies are very interested in this material. At the end of 2000, polystyrene was banned in many cities and towns due to its environmental impact. Consequently, the demand for biodegradable packaging is high and Alginsulate is considered suitable to meet this demand.

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