Algae to replace polystyrene packaging
2002/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

At the Graz University of Technology in Austria the biodegradable material Alginsulate has been invented to replace the expanded polystyrene used in food packaging and other products. Polystyrene is known to be a highly polluting material. Now, the team of researchers has used dry brown algae to manufacture biodegradable material to replace it. In fact, these algae, besides being numerous, are very suitable to swell, form foam and give the desired shape.
Polystyrene is replaced by other biodegradable materials such as corn and potato, which are very attractive for insects and mice. In addition, corn or potatoes grown for industrial use occupy land suitable for agriculture. Therefore, the use of algae has important advantages according to the researchers.

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