
Trying to renovate the lighthouse of Alexandria

1991/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Egyptian government wants to restore the lighthouse of Alexandria, which was once one of the seven wonders of the world. It consists of 440 tall plants and three parts.
Image of the lighthouse of Alexandria. It had three sections and on top the giant statue of Alexander the Great.

The Egyptian government wants to restore the lighthouse of Alexandria, which was once one of the seven wonders of the world. BC. It was built around 280 under the direction of the architect Knide Soistrato. 440 feet high (about 135 meters) and three sections. Each stretch had its walls slightly inclined inward.

The lower part was square, the second (the central) octagonal and the upper cylindrical. Above the top had an impressive statue of Alexander the Great. From the inside to the top of the lighthouse with helical ramp.

This monument pioneered all the lighthouses of the world, the XI. At the beginning of the 20th century it was standing. Later, the Muslim invaders placed a small mosque in the third part. It seems that the lighthouse began to fall then, because in 1477 Sultan Quait Bey built a fortress with its stones.

We do not know if the Egyptian government will leave the lighthouse as before. Keep in mind that at the top was the figure of the person and that the Corana prohibits it.

However, the reconstruction of the lighthouse of Alexandria will be easier than the location of the tomb of Alexander Haundia. The tomb is located in Alexandria (probably under the tumulus of Kom al Chugafa). IV. According to a description made in the 20th century, Alejandro is based on a glass and a gold case with his armor and sword with gold tours.

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