"Surely our universe is very special because there can be life"
2010/03/01 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the 1980s he worked with the theory of inflation. According to this theory, the universe initially suffered an accelerated expansion, inflation. Inflation stopped after, the energy of expansion caused a big explosion and the expulsion of particles and radiation. This is what we call the Big Bang. The theory of inflation explains many of the mysterious characteristics of the Big Bang and makes some predictions that astronomical observation has subsequently confirmed. Therefore, we have reasons to think that the theory is correct.
Then I realized that inflation did not stop at all places at once (the end of inflation is due to the probabilistic quantum processes). Where we are inflation stagnated 14,000 million years ago, but elsewhere it still remains. Other big bang are constantly going through the universe. In some places they are like our big banga and in others they are different.
That is the multi-verse and to every place where a big bang occurs we call it pocket universe. Or simply the universe. Interuniversal zones are zones of inflation, so we can not travel from one side to the other. Therefore, many physicists question the theory of multiservice. If we cannot experimentally affirm that there are other universes, how do we know that they exist?
Although we cannot go to other universes, the theory of the multiverse makes some predictions about ours, which we can affirm experimentally.
Each Big Bang creates zones with certain characteristics, such as zones with different constants of nature. We cannot calculate the constants of our site in a concrete way, but we can make statistical predictions. That is, we can try to predict which values we will find most likely. We have already confirmed one of these predictions.
String theory, the best theory we have now to explain nature, predicts many universes with different values of constants. Combining this theory with that of inflation, we get a verse that will generate all these universes. And with this theory we can calculate the probability of creating each universe. Unfortunately, we have not fully completed string theory, there are things we do not understand and, therefore, we should rely on many simplifications.
In any case, surely our universe is very special, because there can be life. Therefore, their probability of generation is very low. However, in the process of continuous inflation, an infinite number of similar universes will emerge.

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