
It has been identified with the mouse a type of neuron that participates in oblivion

2019/09/19 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. Pixabay Pixabay

In a mouse experiment, a group of Japanese researchers has shown that during the REM phase they participate in the process of forgetting a type of neuron.

In fact, during sleep the synapses between neurons are reconstructed, eliminating memories that do not deserve to be remembered. The researchers have now seen that the inhibition of some neurons of the hypothalamus during the REM phase, means the loss of memories and vice versa, whose activation increases memory.

These are HCM neurons, that is, neurons of the melanin concentrating hormone, which have seen in other studies their influence on food behavior, depression, anxiety and sleep. Researchers have suggested that memory can also be a suitable reason for modular.

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