Plane or helicopter?
1986/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

It can be said that a new era of air vehicles has begun, for the cause indicated in the image. Thanks to the tiltrotator, the image is an aircraft that performs various maneuvers that the helicopter can perform. It is therefore a turboprop plane that, like helicopters, can land and be at a point in the air. This power is provided by mobile mills mounted on their strong and compact wings.
When you have to land or land, this plane places the propellers horizontally and when you are going to circulate at high speed places them vertically.
What is shown in the photo is just a prototype. It is expected that by the middle of the next decade they will begin to occur for the market. In countries that do not have an appropriate airport, there is no doubt that this aircraft can be very useful.

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