
Signs of a 775 cosmic event in tree rings

2012/06/06 Etxebeste Aduriz, Egoitz - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. Arpingstone

Japanese researchers have detected the influence of a high-energy cosmic event that took place in 775 on tree rings. After analyzing the rings of the two Japanese cedars, it is observed that in the ring formed between the years 774 and 775 the amount of carbon 14 increases considerably. Thus, it has been published in Natura that carbon 14 in the atmosphere increased in that wheat.

In the atmosphere carbon-14 is produced by uniting neutrons produced by cosmic radiation with nitrogen 14. This may be due to radiation from solar storms and supernovae, but both options have been ruled out by researchers. In fact, this 14 carbon increase would mean a large solar eruption that had never been known, which would have other consequences, such as the huge auroras and the destruction of the ozone layer. And in the case of a supernova, in addition to creating a new star visible during the day, it should still be detectable by x-ray or radio waves. As not known, researchers have been unable to determine the cause of the 14 carbon increase.

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