
25 mm water bridge

2007/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

25 mm water bridge
01/12/2007 | Elhuyar

The Graz University of Technology in Austria has managed to create a water tube between two water filled precipitators and the tube lasts about 45 minutes. In both precipitators an electrode was placed that caused a voltage of 25,000 volts. Then the water from the beaker containing the anode rose on the wall of the vessel and passed to the one with the cathode. The water formed a bridge between both ships. In addition, the researchers found that the distance of the precipitates of 25 millimeters kept the bridge and its diameter was 1 to 3 millimeters. It is explained that the bridge is formed thanks to the electric field that generates the tension of the electrodes, since the electric field organizes the water molecules in a very ordered microstructure. These microstructures are stable and the bridge remains stable.

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