Russians want to tread Mars for 2015
2002/07/08 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia
According to the plans made, two spacecraft will be sent to Mars, one with cargo and one with astronauts. Due to its large weight and size, with the same technology used in the manufacture of the ISS, the two spacecraft are mounted in terrestrial orbit at 400-500 kilometers. To do this, Russian Angar rockets, Delta American rockets and ESA Adrian rockets will be used.

In order to move, spacecraft will have electric motors powered by solar or nuclear energy. Upon reaching the orbit of Mars, three astronauts will descend to the terrestrial surface of the red planet, where they will spend one or two months, while the other three will remain in orbit in surveillance tasks. The three astronauts who will arrive on the planet will examine the rocks and ice and have some vehicle to move.
Although their plans are well defined, the Russians recognize that there are problems. And it is that scientists still do not know to what extent the damage that the lack of gravity and radiation can cause in the bodies of astronauts will be of such magnitude. However, the main problem is money, since the Russians, although they have structured the project, could only pay 30% of the 20,000 million euros.
To realize the project, the Russian Space Agency wants to work with NASA and ESA, "because it is impossible for a single country, we have to do it with international cooperation." The words are from Vitaly Semyonov, director of the Keldish research center and the Mars XXI program. Delores Beasley, spokesman for NASA, said the Russians have not presented any formal plan. In addition, the spending reduction policy has made the plans to move to Mars have recently disappeared from NASA's official programs. Therefore, it is possible that Russian intentions remain only in that.

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