
1990, the warmest decade of the millennium

1999/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to a study by a group of researchers from the Bradley University of Massachusetts, the 90s was the warmest decade of the millennium. This study shows that the terrestrial climate has suffered a significant warming, especially in the XX. In the last decades of the twentieth century. The collection of data made by the human being around the earth's climate began just a few hundred years ago, so the researchers have had to look for sources that, in some way, have received climatic information in nature, that is, rings of trunks and ice cubes of old trees. Thus, after studying the trunks of the old trees of Scandinavia, Siberia, Tasmania, Argentina, Moreno and France, and the ice cubes of Greenland and the Andes, in the twentieth century. Average Earth temperature in the nineteenth century. They have discovered that it has been 0.7 degrees higher than in the nineteenth century.

Regarding the 1990s, 1998 has been the warmest year, with 0.58 degrees above average. Although these temperature changes seem small, they verify the continuous warming of the terrestrial climate and, therefore, show the danger that the human being can have in his environment.

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