Simon Singh and The Code Book (in english)
2012/11/07 Iturria: Norteko Ferrokarrilla
Kodeen Liburuaren egileak Londrestik aurkeztu digu liburua. Kode sekretuak betidanik existitu dira eta gaur egun inoiz baino gehiago erabiltzen ditugu. Horri buruz hitz egin digu Mr. Singhek, eta gainera azaldu digu nola eboluzionatu duen kodeen munduak liburua Ingalaterran lehen aldiz argitaratu zuenetik, 1999tik. Horrez gain, Sendabide ala iruzurbide liburuari buruz hitz egin digu, eta testu hura idatzi zuen garaian izan zituen arazo legalei buruz ere bai. Elkarrizketa ingelesez dago, eta hau da jatorrizko audioa.
The author of The Code Book has introduced us to his book from London. The secret codes have always existed and nowadays are more frquently used than never before. Mr. Singh has told about that and he has explained what has the evolution of code science been like since his book was first published back in 1999. He has also told about other book of his, Trick or Treatment, and about the legal problems he had by the time he published that text. The interview was in english and this is the original audio.

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