
Method to avoid snoring

2001/09/26 Agirre Ruiz de Arkaute, Aitziber - Elhuyar Zientzia

Sleeping next to a hoarse person is a difficult job. Despite the thousand laps, you can't sleep! But is there any way to avoid it?

This month the American Academy of Otolaryngology has organized a meeting in which they have talked about the phenomenon that causes snoring. Until now, surgery has been used to fix it, but lately other pathways have been investigated. Finally it has been obtained by injecting a compound with tetracil sulfate in the throat.

They inject tetracil sulfate in the soft back of the palate. When we sleep, those soft tissues of the palate vibrate and snoring is due to being hit one against another. In the case of those with serious problems, surgery has managed to avoid snoring by cutting a small part of the fleshy palate, but in the face of the danger, they have sought a substitute treatment. In this way, tetracil sulfate, at least in part, destroys these tissues of the palate, where the scar forms and hardens the soft palate. Therefore, the vibration decreases and, therefore, the snoring. This technique considerably slows the sound produced by the snoring, since its low intensity from 11 decibels to 2 decibels.

Surgical incision in the palate can cause problems both in the intake of soft drinks and in the ingestion of food. However, this new treatment has not generated such problems. However, a year after tetradecillo sulfate injection, several patients have been snoring again, but researchers say there is no problem in retreating it. Summary: Summary: They have a treatment that prevents snoring with a single injection.

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