Vacuum cleaner
1997/09/01 Irureta Azkune, Onintza Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In 1901 an American experienced in his trip to England the dust collector. The function of the machine was to blow the dust off the ground and put it into a box. The only problem was that it was left out as much as the dust that got into the box.
The English inventor Herbert Cecil Booth discovered this powder machine and did not surprise the inefficiency of the machine. He had done many tests with artifacts to clean the dust and was convinced that blowing the dust was not the solution. A few days after the American attempt, inventor Booth had an idea. In a restaurant he performed a surprising test with a plush chair. He leaned his lips against the back of the chair and breathed deeply. He almost drowned in his throat from the dust he had swallowed. Even if the dust made him spend an acid time, the English inventor was happy: He knew how to collect dust. He invented the vacuum cleaner.
He immediately made a vacuum cleaner of his own design, patented it and put a cleaning service. He had nothing less than that gadget. This machine was huge and had to be carried in a horse cart. The giant gas-powered machine was placed at the door of the house. The machine had a flexible tube of 244 meters that entered the window into the house. In order to show a wonderful invention, the women of high society invited their friends to take tea. While drinking the tea, guests set up the vacuum cleaner so they could see how the spectacular artifact collected dust from the carpet.
The remedy of asthma
While some took the tea calmly without fear of dust, in Ohio James Murray Spangler could not take off the stula. This 59 year old doorman devoured dust all day long, due to the constant cleaning of carpets in the building. Before being a janitor he was an inventor and before his unfortunate state of health he decided to devote himself to the previous profession. I wanted to invent the vacuum cleaner to hide the dust and stop making the stula. The ingredients he used to make the first vacuum cleaner were very common: a soap box and a goat bristle brush stapled to the broom handle.

He also placed a fan on the new vacuum cleaner and used a head cover to collect powders. The goalkeeper was very satisfied with the portable device made by him and decided to leave the trade. However, he moved through the hallways of the building, as long carpets filled with dust were exceptional to test the vacuum cleaner. The asthmatic man took the new profession seriously and sold the first vacuum cleaner to his cousin. But it wasn't anyone, that cousin: Frank G. The gadget he sold to Hoover's mother.
The Hoover family lived from the sale of harnesses and with the arrival of the car the business sank. Faced with this serious situation in 1908 Hoover bought the inventor Spangler the rights of the vacuum cleaner. In 1948, Frank Hoover, director of the Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Company, the business grew.
This man’s business was very successful and bears witness to the word “hoover” itself: In England, instead of calling vacuum the vacuum cleaner, it is often called hoover.
Current vacuum cleaners
We neglect the first attempts made with vacuum cleaners and focus on the characteristics of the current ones. Vacuum cleaners play an important role in our homes, as the floors are full of carpets and carpets. Nowadays there are many types of vacuum cleaners, always adapted to different needs. The components are quite common: the machine is metal, plastic or only plastic. The power of these artifacts is also very different. With a power of 150 watts and industrial devices of 1,000 watts. This absorption power, logically, can be controlled at present by a valve or electronic speed change system.
Most vacuum cleaners have tasks of removing and placing some components. Especially the flexible tubes are the ones that we can take out to the machine. As a pull-out and placement tube, vacuum cleaners can clean all kinds of surfaces. From carpets and carpets to upholstery and curtains. The flexible hose provides great comfort, but for greater comfort manufacturers make every effort to reduce the size of the machine. The smaller it is, the easier it is to move the vacuum cleaner and remove the powders from any corner in an instant.
The vacuum cleaner collects the dust and, of course, after a while the cap is filled and must be emptied as soon as possible. Through light, sound or mechanical form the user is told that the cover is full of dust. All these facilities are present in modern vacuum cleaners, but producers want to make a life increasingly sedentary and more comfortable. In addition to reporting that the cover is being filled, the machine automatically collects the cable and the knob can be used with the foot, so it is not necessary to bend. Other advanced vacuum cleaners compress the dust collected in the cap, allowing only to empty the cap three or four times a year. Can you ask for more?

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