
Windy black holes

2006/07/03 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Black holes do not cover all the material of the environment, and the reason for it could be in the discovery: With the data collected by the Chandra X ray observatory they have been able to verify that there is wind outside and around the core of black holes, and according to that wind, the tendency of a black hole to conquer the matter depends on it.

To reach this conclusion, they have analyzed a black hole located ten thousand light-years from Earth. This black hole is swallowing a star and have measured that the gas comes out of the core of the black hole at a speed of five hundred kilometers per second. Experts believe that this wind is due to the magnetic field, there is no other alternative.

Photo: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss.