For science
1998/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Japan, the nation that has created “Whale Scientific Fishing,” has now invented “Fish-Research” to benefit its economy. The southern bluefin tuna that inhabits the Indian Ocean is in danger of extinction due to fishing fleets in Australia, New Zealand and Japan, and a few years ago the three countries signed an agreement to reduce their fishing.

However, the Japanese government disagrees with the fishing quotas imposed on it and plans to conduct an in-depth investigation into the Indian Ocean in order to demonstrate that bluefin tuna is more widespread than expected in the area. However, after the investigation, they have announced that the captured fish will be sold as usual, and Australia and New Zealand have seriously condemned the project. According to them, the granting of the license of research vessels to fishing vessels will increase Japanese fishing by endangering bluefin tuna.

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