Science and humor are demonstrated in the feast of Wolfram Deuna
2016/11/11 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia
The Feast of St.Wolfram has been celebrated in the Aroztegi hall of Bergara among laughter. By the hand of Elhuyar, eight speakers have offered humor monologues with science as an excuse.
The topics covered were eleven: the price of males per species, the belief and space, the sasi-therapies, the eating of the researchers…
It should be noted that some of the speakers are scientific, but not all. Yes, they are all scientists and they all had the same objective: to remove the fear of those who think that scientific issues are difficult and to awaken interest and curiosity. And considering the laughter and laughter of the attendees, it is clear that they have achieved it.
The speakers have been: Ibon Cancio Uriarte, biologist, Miren Karmele Gómez Garmendia, communicator of Pamplona, Uxoa Iñurrieta Urmeneta, computer linguist, Edu Lartzanguren Urdangarin, Ainhoa Latatu Nuñez, Josu Lezameta Larrabeiti, basque journalist, lopez. As a guide, Alaitz Ochoa de Eribe Aguirre, a member of Elhuyar.
In addition to socializing science, the event has another objective: to strengthen the Basque scientific community. In addition, they have had the opportunity to make a guided visit to the Laboratorium museum.
For the second consecutive year, Elhuyar has organized the feast of Wolfram Deuna in collaboration with Bergara City Hall, and the name and venue of the event are no coincidence. In fact, in the seminary of Bergara the Elhuyar brothers isolated the tungsten or tungsten, the contribution of Basque science to the periodic table.

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia