Zernola.net, science network for young people
2002/04/19 Imaz Amiano, Eneko - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

It is evident that in our society the majority of scientific and technological dissemination journals are aimed at adults or young university students, both in their aspect and in their content. However, the lack of journals aimed at young people is evident in general, and let's not say as far as Basque is concerned. Currently there is no such product in the market. But, how many times have we heard that the future of society is young? In short, for any society to advance, young people must also be trained in science and technology. And to train you have to create hobby.
Thus things, the creation of a magazine aimed at young people is very interesting and we consider it necessary. And if you want to create a magazine aimed at young people, is there anything better than creating a web for young people? Especially taking into account that the computer supports have more and more use and success among youth. For this reason and for this purpose the web ZerNola has been created.
Do not believe, however, that the style of Zernola.net is the political style of the preceding paragraphs. Of course!
What is Zernola.net?

Well, Zernola.net is a website for young people between 8 and 12 years old. In it you will find mainly topics related to science and technology, in a pleasant and attractive way. We wanted to make a website agile but not banal.
In it you will find curiosities related to biology, experiments at home, games (mathematicians or other type) and explanations about different topics (which can help to perform school work).
Content Content

All these contents are divided in the following sections:
- How does it work…? The section explains how some things and tools work.
- In the section Discover it you will find an explanation and information on different terms or topics. Both sections are appropriate to work concepts and terms.
- The section Learning Playing consists of four subsections: The Home Laboratory subsection explains how experiments are carried out at home and what happens; Nature is curious! In , you can read the curiosities about nature; it’s about answering the questions that are asked in “A no acertar!” by selecting one of three options; and Games offers you the possibility of learning through mathematical games. This section is ideal to explain the topics of teaching through practices while students perform exercises and practical work. In this way, the participation of students is encouraged.
- In brief you will find information of last minute, summarized and summarized. It will help you to be attentive to every day and follow up on information.
- In Ask us, we will answer the questions you have sent us, and therefore you can satisfy your interest.
- In the section Fábulas you can spend a pleasant time with stories and adventures. The section can serve to work reading and imagination, as well as to explain specific scientific concepts and terms, since in concrete words it can be associated with “Discover”.
- In the Txoko de las Escuelas, on the one hand, you have the section of contests. The first two contests will be to guess the name and the history or origin of the pet of ZerNola. On the other hand, although you are not yet in progress, you will have educational units. They are interesting for those who simply want to know something about the subject and to use it in school.
- Hear! In the section you will find the opinion survey of users and postcards to send to friends.
- What news? Finally, in the section, we will inform you of the latest news that you will find on the web. In any case, if you subscribe, you will receive these news in your email.

All these sections already have content and over time will expand the information. Of course, you can also search for the words or themes that appear in these sections. In any case, to facilitate the displacement, the contents of the different sections are sorted by themes (water and earth, human body, environment, mathematics, chemistry and physics…), so that the search is simpler and more comfortable.
This is what we offer you, but you can also propose new sections and themes by writing to zernola@elhuyar.com.
See if you like it!

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