
Why is it good to play sports for the heart?

2003/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Sports reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems. Why? A group of researchers believe that accelerating bleeding has beneficial effects.

These researchers have worked in the laboratory with cells in the bovine arteries and have seen what happens when bleeding accelerates. Accelerating bleeding results in the same influence as steroid drugs used to treat cardiovascular problems: blood vessel cells produce molecules that protect the arteries. These molecules reduce inflammation and thus eliminate one of the factors causing cardiovascular problems. The accumulation of platelets in the vessels prevents blood circulation during inflammation.

The experiment was also performed with human artery cells, obtaining similar results. It seems, therefore, that sports can achieve the same beneficial effect as anti-inflammatory drugs. However, they have not yet seen if the same thing happens in living beings.

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