
Ecological cereal production is more cost-effective

2004/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The ecological production of cereals is more profitable than the traditional method of elaboration. This has been deduced in his thesis Gabriel Pardo Sanclemente, of the Public University of Navarre.

The ecological production of cereals is based on the rotation of plants and the mechanical control of weeds. In this way, in the long term it is possible to maintain the fertility of the earth and avoid the excessive growth of the weeds of the field.

In the traditional method of elaboration, chemical fertilizers and herbicides are used to obtain more copious crops and kill weeds. However, it seems that these methods do not have a significant influence on the harvest, which causes useless expenses. The researcher considers, therefore, more profitable to use the ecological production of cereals, since similar crops are obtained but at lower cost.

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