
What happens before, nerve, or artery?

2002/06/18 Orobengoa, Olatz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

In the embryos of animals, what does the branching of nerves and arteries command? The answer to this question has been found at the California Institute of Technology.

The network of nerves and arteries occur throughout the body. The neurons take the necessary foods of the arterial blood and in turn regulate the functioning of the blood.

With the green color the nerves and arteries in red.

The scientists of the institute have seen in their experiments in embryos of rats that the net that develops first is that of the nerves. Next appear the cells necessary to create new arteries around this network. Finally, new arteries and ramifications are created.

In the experiment, embryos of rats with a decrease in the capacity of generation of the nervous network have also been used. Scientists foresee that the arterial network developed in these embryos had much less ramifications than the usual ones.

According to scientists, neurons secrete a special molecule to attract precursor cells from the arteries. Subsequently, through a new signal, these cells are commissioned to create new arteries. In this way, the arteries and nerves are developed in parallel.

The details of this new discovery have been published in the journal Cell on 13 June.

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