
How much water do you spend on washing dishes?

2003/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The University of Bonn (Germany) has conducted a study on the expenditure of water, energy and soap in dish cleaning.

The researchers have analyzed the cleaning habits of dishes in seven European countries. 75 volunteers participated in the study. These have cleaned the containers and cutlery that a family of four normally fouls a day, and researchers have collected this work on video and measured the consumption of water, energy and soap.

The result is striking, especially when it comes to water consumption: some only need 15 liters of water, while others consume 345 liters of water. The most modern dishwashers spend between 12 and 20 liters of water.

In addition, twice as much energy is spent in hand washing as the dish washing machine and the containers become less clean. However, keep in mind that the head of research works in a household appliance company. What clarification?

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