
The more dispersed, the more harmful

2003/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The abandonment or separation of a couple affects the rest of the species. They have suggested this on the website of the journal Nature.

According to researchers at the University of Michigan in the United States, human pressure on nature has increased in recent times, but not only because of the increase in population, but because we live increasingly dispersed. Previously they lived more familiar than now in the same house, so they needed less space, resources and energy than if they lived individually.

Researchers have compared endangered plant and animal species to areas outside it, and have observed that in those threatened, the number of households has grown much more than in others. Even in places where the population is declining, there are more and more homes in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece. According to the researchers, this is a factor to consider in the adoption of measures to prevent biodiversity loss.

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