
Undoubtedly, the Earth is warming up

2007/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Undoubtedly, the Earth is warming up
01/03/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: ANDÉN)

On February 2, the report on climate change was published. The report clearly says that the Earth is warming up, especially for 50 years. He considers that the fact of having reached this situation by natural causes is almost impossible, that is, he considers that it is not possible for it to occur without external agents. And he comments that it is very likely that the main cause is greenhouse gases.

It analyzes the changes that have occurred as a result of the warming of the Earth, how rainfall has occurred throughout the world, the increase in tropical cyclone activity, and the decrease in the thickness of the polar ice mass, the increase in sea level, etc.

The report also looks to the future. It indicates that we will continue emitting gases, XXI. In the eighteenth century the Earth will continue to warm up and climate changes will intensify. The forecasts have been made through simulations that have taken into account different future scenarios depending on the environmental awareness that countries of the world can have. The most optimistic announcement says the XXI. At the end of the twentieth century the terrestrial surface will heat 1.8 °C, while the most pessimistic will heat 4 °C.

It should be noted that when defining possible future scenarios, the commitment to meeting the limits established by the Kyoto Protocol has not been included among the options.

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