You would eat from the largest landfill
1995/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The accumulation of garbage, indifference and lack of solution that different governments have shown to this situation, are gifts that new generations will have to “thank”. Just look around to become aware of the problem. On the contrary, garbage that is not seen has become a serious problem. In space, if we realized the amount of garbage that rotates on ourselves, more than one would match the motto used by the local Asterix boss from word to mouth. Who knows if, more than the sky, the waste accumulated in space has fallen upon ourselves for years.
They say that the spaces or the crew of the spaces generate the most trash in the space. In addition, regular repairs on satellites or permanent stations are highly polluting.
All this has turned space into a huge landfill. Although the problem is ecological, it has to do directly with military strategy. Garbage dispersed through space can cause a great slaughter if it hit space or satellite. As we know, it would not be the first “accident” of this kind. Objects of 10 cm can be found in US research and monitoring centres. These objects move with radars and classify their dimensions, behavior and direction.
When a classified object approaches satellites or spaces they automatically receive the order to change direction to avoid the accident. However, it is more difficult to detect objects of size not exceeding 10 cm. According to the researchers, at this time there are 15,000 small objects that have not been signed into space. In order to see them, the radii fixed in the space must be adjusted to small dimensions.
To do this, in early February they launched into space small pieces that will serve to calibrate the radios. These pieces are three small balls, between 15 and 5 cm, and some fine threads that surround them. These small elements will be placed in front of the radios in order to adapt the radars and other localization systems.

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