XI. CAF-Elhuyar Awards
2004/11/01 Lopez Viña, Rakel - Marketin sailaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Like every year, and thanks to the sponsorship of the company CAF Beasain, the CAF-Elhuyar awards are underway. Since 1994, with the aim of promoting scientific dissemination in Basque, dozens of scientists and writers have had the opportunity to publish their work thanks to the CAF-Elhuyar awards.
This edition will play three main prizes and a special prize for young people. In total 2,100 prizes will be distributed: the first prize will be 1,000 euros, the second prize of 500 euros and the third prize will be 300 for the winner and the special prize for young people.

The jury, made up of experts with extensive experience in the field of Basque and science, will announce the winners of this year at the end of January 2005. In March the awards ceremony will be held and the winning works will be published in the magazine Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknika and on the website www.zientzia.net.
In the last edition, a total of 21 articles were presented. The first prize went to young biologists Oihana Izagirre and Oihane Lakar with the article Meandroen mina. The second prize went to Karmele and Montxo L fish of Ipi and Aitzol Ezeiza for their work Replikantearen jazz arima. The third prize went to Aitziber Mendiguren, Luis Callado and Joseba Pineda for their work Kafeina: a pleasure that can become a necessity.
Finally, the young Gorka Azkune Galparsoro won a special award for young people thanks to the article Izarren energia bila. These works, the winning works of the other editions and the bases of this edition are available at www.zientzia.net or www.elhuyar.org.
Norteko Ferrokarrilla goes back to work
In October the new season of the Norteko Ferrokarrilla program began. This year will be broadcast on Wednesdays at ten pm in the Basque Country. Guillermo Roa and Nagore Rementeria will lead the program and talk about science with researchers and experts from Euskal Herria.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia