Wolfram Deuna party full of laughter, science and surprises
2017/11/10 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Science and humor invade the Zabalotegi room in Bergara on the feast of Wolfram Deuna. For the third consecutive year, Elhuyar has organized this event, within the Science, Technology and Innovation Conference of the City of Bergara, which once again attracted people from outside and outside the municipality.
The event has focused on humour scientific monologues. The goal is to eliminate fear of science and technology and to arouse curiosity. Thus, the protagonists have dealt with topics of all kinds: the brain of zombies, the importance of the size of the penis, infinity, the eating of a researcher who investigates with her son, senseless research, the types of infinite…
In total eight speakers participated, led by Alaitz Ochoa of Eribe Aguirre, member of Elhuyar: Ibon Cancio Uriarte, biologist, Irati Iciar Madinabeitia, coordinator of the UEU, Josu Lezameta Larrabeiti, professor of Basque, Josu López Gazpio, chemist, Idoia Torregarai Martija, head of communication of the UEU, bertsolari Jesus Marjuribio Txurruka.
Elhuyar magazine renewed
In addition to enjoying the talks, attendees have received a surprise: Elhuyar magazine has changed its image and presented its new costume at Wolfram Deuna's party. In fact, the authors intend to break the prejudices (serious, rigorous, difficult...) that some of them may have regarding the journal, for which they consider that the new appearance will be of help.
Thus, among those attending the feast of San Wolfram were distributed copies of the December number and, incidentally, they had the opportunity to photograph themselves with the inspirers of the magazine, the brothers Juan José and Fausto Elhuyar.
--> Photo gallery of the Wolfram Deuna and the photocol of the renovated magazine Elhuyar
--> Zientzia.eus collection

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