
Virus infections increase

1999/08/15 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

According to the last study carried out by the International Association for Computer Security (ICSA), the months of January and February of this year have multiplied by twice the number of infections of the same time of 1998, four times more than in 1997. The research, promoted by Panda Software, has been developed in more than 300 government offices and US companies. In total more than 500 PCs have been analysed and the offices had two or more local networks and at least two remote connections.

The increase in infections has occurred despite the fact that 80% of users have updated antivirus. The 43% of those affected were unable to cope with the infection, while the 91% servers were affected about an hour. 80%, however, could not continue working until almost two days. The greatest number of damages (56%) is due to email.

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