
They have shown that Viagra serves to combat obesity

2013/03/12 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Viagra pills. Ed. SElefant (Wikipedia)

Researchers have long discovered that sildenafila, Viagra, serves to combat obesity. In fact, mice that took sildenafila in the long run did not get fat, even with a diet rich in calories and fats. Now, researchers from the University of Bonn (Germany) have clarified the mechanisms through which this occurs. Researchers have

conducted experiments with mice and found that sildenafila changes fat cells: it turns white fat cells into brown, that is, it converts the type of fat that relates to obesity and related diseases into a non-harmful fat for health. In fact, white fat is an energy deposit, while brown fat burns and heats up.

In addition, white fat increases the risk of chronic diseases due to the synthesis and secretion of inflammatory hormones. Researchers have shown that sildenafila also prevents this effect.

Although the results of the experiments are encouraging, the researchers warn that it is not correct to think that the next slimming pill will be sildenafila. Before that, they must confirm that the effects observed in the mouse also occur in people, and still there would be a long way to go.

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