Viagra Viagra
1998/06/01 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Viagra is a pill that gives solution to people with difficulties in getting erection or maintaining erection. The pill does not cure the difficulty of erection, but allows the erection and maintenance of the erection. When you pass the pill effect, the difficulty for erection will be there.
Viagra, born in the United States, has also received the blessing. In fact, a group of researchers from various departments of urology from American universities studied in depth the influence of the Viagra pill. The study published in mid-May concluded that: “Sildenafila (complement of Viagra) is effective and well accepted by patients. However, he has no more desire for sex. To reach these conclusions, the aforementioned researchers have treated for 24 weeks 532 men, through the donation of 25, 50 or 100 milligrams of sildenafil, or a placebo, an hour before sexual contact.
In the second phase of work, 329 men were given sildenafila and placebo for 12 weeks. To finish the work, men who participated in both phases and had no other effects, were given the medication for 32 more weeks. With the increase in the dose of sildenafil the duration of erection and the improvement of penetration, a 69% success in Viagra and a 22% placebo.
Safe drug?
In addition to getting and maintaining erection, they suffered headaches, facial redness and digestive problems as a result of taking the medication. Viagra, therefore, seems like a drug of total guarantee, effective and without other consequences. It is about mid-May issues, after the arrival of the death sounds of the United States, which appear to be directly related to Viagra.
The media have published that 16 men have died in the United States as a result of the mixture of the Viagra pill with other drugs and the efforts made in the field of sexual relations. However, experts say that Viagra is a safe drug, since the deceased tell him that they died for making more effort than their bodies could, for forcing the body. “Users of Viagra,” the experts said, “must also use their heads. 16 dead men are over 60 years old.
Difficulty erection source of problems
Without going into the effectiveness or value of the Viagra pill, the time and reality of those who use it, it would be convenient to make a stop in the disease itself, that is, in the difficulty of erection. As for its origin or reasons, several types of impotence are distinguished.
The most common, which affects 75% of patients, is of physical origin and the causes of their spread should be found in other types of diseases, mainly diabetes and heart diseases, but also nervous problems, traumatisms, operations, excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol, etc. The remaining 25% for erection difficulty, therefore, has psychological reasons, mainly stress and anxiety. According to the experts, the biggest drawback to dealing with erection difficulties is usually the attitude of the affected person, who thinks that the man is not adequate and, therefore, does not want to go to the urologist or to the andrologist.
In the same way, considering that sex is a matter of two, it causes many problems in the couple. “The problem is not the same,” says Iñaki Carrera, of the Irusta collective, “for whom he has never achieved an erection, or achieved it in certain conditions and in a specific environment. It is clear that we face different problems, since there are different reasons behind these problems, so the solution is usually also different in most cases. You want to direct anyone with difficulties for creating Viagra, you want to sell it like this and it is clear that it is not a correct path. It must be understood as one more tool for physicians to offer to the client at a given time, that is, as another therapy.
We live in a phalocratic society and in contact is given importance to the phallus, exercises, games, techniques, etc. Leaving aside the enrichment of sexual life and the abandonment of those other ways of working sex, the relationship of partner. The problem of frigidity, for example, is hidden, it is not important. Why? Why do women have the ability to simulate orgasm? Why can't men simulate erection? There are other ways to resolve erection difficulties, another way to live sex.
And what for women?
When it comes to talking about frigidity, Iñaki Carrera has taken into account women. Like him, the manufacturers of Viagra have now proposed to the woman in search of a product that facilitates the orgasm of the woman. In this sense, they have also taken steps and have advanced their disposal for the year 2000. Half of the women around the world have never had orgasms. If so, the “Viagra” they will prepare for women would solve the problem and enrich forever the inventor and manufacturer of the pill.
Indirectly, Viagra can influence those who live with erection difficulties to approach those other ways of living the sex referred to by Iñaki Carrera. And when it comes to our art, Viagra brings with it the recipe, that is, whoever wants to get Viagra will have to go to the doctor's office, which will be a new and different step for the patient who so far has not come to the doctor.
The doctor will need to decide the treatment of the disease, couple therapy, Viagra, or the rest of therapies that until now are used to face erection problems: autoinjections, vacuum tools and prosthesis. About 40% of people with erection problems have opted for self-injection. Half an hour before sexual intercourse is the man himself who puts the injection, an injection that allows blood to enter the penis. Under normal excitation conditions, the veins of the penis are filled with blood, venous compression prevents the blood from coming out causing the erection. The erection is maintained during compression. The same conclusion is obtained by injections.
Vacuum tools are used by 15% of those affected. It is inserted into a cylinder that produces an empty penis and when taking out the air enters the blood causing the erection in the penis. To maintain erection, the penis is tied at the bottom.
The prosthesis would be the last of the remedies. The majority are silicone, so in addition to being very expensive they require a surgical intervention and then can not be retracted. The wonderful pill has appeared in the context mentioned: it largely ensures the solution, is very easy to take and “has no other effect”.
Fashion pharmacies
So said, Viagra has provoked, if possible, a wave of people in pharmacies and a surprise, since it was not thought that the number of men with erectile difficulty was so great. According to published data, in developed countries 15% of men would have some impotence problem and the percentage rises to 35% among those over 40 years. The problem is not fatal, but, according to experts, both for people who suffer it, and for those who suffer it, frustration and the feeling of guilt first, and the serious problems of couple that often lead to the resolution of the relationship of couple, then.
Viagra is sold for now in the United States, Gibraltar, Switzerland and Andorra, and the jackpot of 30 pills costs 62,000 pesetas. In Spain it seems that the tests will take place in autumn and will be put on sale next year, while Andorra is back in fashion.
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