
We get less energy than we think of the Sun

2011/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

We get less energy than we think of the Sun
01/04/2011 | Elhuyar

The amount of energy coming to Earth from the Sun is less than previously thought, according to two American scientists (one from the Laboratory of Physics of Atmosphere and Space --LASP-- and one from the Laboratory of Marine Research). In the LASP laboratory, after calibrating several data, they were able to more accurately calculate the amount of energy we receive from the Sun. Thus, the results show that in 2008, when the Sun's activity reached a minimum, the Earth reached 1360.8 watts per square meter, 5 watts per square meter less than permitted. The study has used data collected by NASA's SORCE satellite. Although the energy difference is not very large, researchers have stated that climate models can be better adjusted.


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