
Childhood and traffic

1996/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Hrieta's traffic causes us more damage than expected. The incidence of air pollution in children is particularly worrying, according to recent data from the World Health Organization. The report by the organization analyzed the damage caused by traffic, especially the effect of lead on the health of gasoline; however, researchers have found that the health problems generated by lead in children are more serious than in adults.

According to the WHO, overcoming the proportion of lead in blood in children under two years of age can cause serious illness. More than 80% of children aged 3 to 5 have already developed lead disease, albeit at different levels.

Risk groups include children and populations who have had previous respiratory diseases. In Mexico, for example, sanitary controls are strict, since air pollution in the capital is higher than anywhere else. At the end of October, faced with the seriousness of the situation, the Government ordered the paralyzation of more than half of the car park and the 30% reduction of the workshop activity in the capital. In addition to lead, the high concentration of ozone has caused this type of alarm in the Mexican capital.

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