The ratio of mass between predatory mammals and prey is 111 kilos
2002/03/25 Elhuyar Zientzia

The ratio of mass between predatory mammals and prey is 111 kilos. Sure, that doesn't mean that the predator of every kilo of the body eats 111 kilos of meat, the predator wouldn't spend little energy! This relationship is defined as the population density of raptors and prey.
To reach this conclusion, Chris Carbone, of the Institute of Zoology of London, and John Gittleman, of the University of Virginia, have measured the population densities of 25 rapacious mammals and their prey.
Initially, the researchers considered that this relationship varies depending on the size of the predator, so among the species investigated were species that range from the simvinud that weighs 140 grams to the polar bear of 310 kilos. Despite their strangeness, they have shown that the mentioned mass ratio does not vary depending on the size of the predator.
Undoubtedly, it will be a data to take into account by those who work in the conservation of the species.

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