Exhibition of the municipal archive in Tolosa
1987/08/01 Aizpurua Sarasola, Joxerra Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Coordination of coordination

All the books and plans accumulated in some large boxes have traveled a long way up to the exhibition. When the dust was removed, the archivians quickly realized the importance and quality of the material. The idea of the exhibition came about by signing all the plans on display. But, how and where to do it?
This action could be carried out in a thousand ways, that is, the person responsible for it usually generates that idea. The coordination of the organization was delegated to the architect Álvaro Subijana. The project carried out by this project was based on teamwork. Therefore, the resulting result needed the coordination of several people and styles. And I think they have achieved a good result. The key to the visibility of the exhibition lies in the proper coordination of the House of Culture itself, the organization of its space, the decoration of samples, the environmental music, the catalogs, the video film, the light, etc.
Availability and availability Availability

The exhibition, which has cost about eight million, must have some objective. Seeing the exhibition helps a lot to better understand the objectives. The exhibition consists of plans, photographs and projects of the old town of Tolosa between 1840 and 1936. In that time Tolosa was the industrial estate of Gipuzkoa and much of the constructions made in its old town were made following the most advanced standards of the time, like those of the Parisian architects. And taking into account that today the old town of Tolosa has not changed too much, both in the renovation works and in the municipal ones it is very useful to know the plans of the time. Therefore, not only researchers or students, but tolosaras can also find useful information for when they approach innovations in their homes.
Final comments Final comments

Despite this, it is necessary to mention the technical and aesthetic aspect of the exposed material.
In the plans, the extension of the metro can be perfectly observed as a measuring system. Although in the plans of the year 1840 the "Castilian feet" were used, the farther away from that year, the more the metro is used as a unit of length. On the other hand, most of the planes are colored, highlighting the different parts. The text that can be read in it is composed of calligraphy letters. For all this, I do not find great differences between these paintings and art plans.

Finally, I want to express my sincere thanks to the archives of the City of Tolosa for the information they have provided me. Tolosa 1898

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