
Reproduction of txokos in the Aquarium of San Sebastián

2010/05/04 Aulestiarte Lete, Izaro - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The Aquarium of San Sebastian will host for several weeks two precious corners (Sepia officinalis). The corners are living predators with a special reproduction. They reproduce only once in life and then die exhausted.

The Aquarium offers the possibility to know all this closely. In fact, it has expressly adapted one of the aquariums for two specimens of this species. In addition, soon the visitor can visit the small corners of the party.

They are very sexually active and experience many changes in behavior and appearance. The male has a color like zebra in the back and pink in the belly. In breeding season nothing with the female with the tentacles and fertilizing it when the female approves it, inserting the seed capsule with the copulator arm. After fertilization, the couple continues together until, after a few minutes, the female lays the eggs (about 500).

The females copulate with several males to ensure succession. And, as a result of the fatigue caused by this performance, they die as soon as it reproduces.

Photo: Aquarium of San Sebastián

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