Text written in Basque and translated automatically by Elia without any subsequent editing. SEE ORIGINAL
Finishing the row of pitchers
2004/07/12 Elhuyar Zientzia
The ojival chichas only appear in North America and, although they are numerous, you have to wait long to see them, since they do long periods hidden under the ground. In fact, they leave every 17 years, and then they are remarkable, since millions appear at the same time.

Well, the spring of this year had to leave in several states of the United States. The newly released chichas nymphs immediately started looking for a couple, as they have only had two months to meet, fertilize and lay eggs with their songs. Eggs are laid in trees and nymphs are born a few weeks later. Then, breaking the surface of the trees leave the place of birth and are stored in the subsoil. They are already there and will be in the next 17 years.
Photo: University of Nebraska

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