New tribe in Brazil
1998/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In most cases, news related to biodiversity is different, but this time the news is fortunate. In the Brazilian jungle, near the border with Peru, in the region called Acre, researchers from the National Indian Foundation have discovered a new tribe. The exact number of inhabitants of the tribe, their origin and the rest of the details seem to be known quickly, but the photographs published by the magazine “Veja” are the only witnesses of the new discovery.
The houses of this tribe can only be seen in the photos taken by plane. This fact is curious, since while the Indians of the same region make their houses in an extensive forest, those of the new lineage tend to be located in areas of closed vegetation. It is a group of about 200 people, but they still do not know much about their language, origin or customs. So far they have lived totally isolated, since the nearest road is 127 kilometers and 21 kilometers a small town of only 30 inhabitants.
The researchers were behind this mysterious tribe. In fact, a few months ago three white men disappeared in the region and the locals assured that the attackers belonged to a group of Indians until then unknown. According to the researchers, the tribe is totally primitive, has never had any relationship with others and, therefore, upon arriving those three men who saw a huge danger.
280,000 Indians currently live in the Amazon spread over 210 tribes or villages. In it 170 languages or dialects are spoken; if we take into account that there are less than 6,000 languages in the world, we appreciate the importance of the jungle in diversity.
Tupi and Maacro-Je are some of the axes of all these languages. On the other hand, there are languages of more than 5,000 speakers, such as guajara, satere-mawè, xavante, yanomani, terena, macuxi, kaingang, ticuna and guarani. Below, in the Amazon there are 110 languages with less than 400 speakers. 60% of indigenous peoples inhabit the Amazon: Amazonas, Acre, Amapá, Pará, Rondonia, Roraima, Tocantis, Mato Groso and Maranhao are their regions.

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