
Protected tractors

2003/01/31 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

In Spain, more than 250,000 tractors do not have structures to protect themselves from tipping. All these tractors were made before 1978, when a law was enacted that required a protection structure when all new tractors were dumped.

These tractors are more likely to suffer accidents. In fact, they are very obsolete, lighter, more unstable and often used with new and too heavy tools. Given all these factors, accidents caused by tractors are often very serious and usually the driver dies.

In order to solve this problem, and in compliance with European legislation 74/150EEC, legislation for the approval of rolling tractors used in agriculture or forests has been unified. In Spain, in 1997 a Royal Decree was approved whereby from December 2002 all tractors must have an approved arc or safety cabin.

In view of this, a group of researchers from the Public University of Navarra has analyzed the problem and proposed solutions to comply with European legislation. Among these solutions has been presented the design of a new economic structure, compatible and easily buildable. In addition, researchers have asked the administration for help so that owners can change these tractors without losing much money.


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