
Publication of results on Titanium

2005/12/02 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The image above is taken by the Huygens probe. The photo he took after Titan's landing is 10-15 centimeters of stones that are probably formed by icy water. Below is a dark substratum of fine grain.

In the center of the image, between the front and rear stones, appears a zone of little stone. In the images taken from a greater distance it is observed that this area is inside a structure in the form of a channel. Astronomers believe it can be the bottom of a dry lake.

In addition to this image on the satellite Titan of Saturn, in the ESA have received many other images and data thanks to the probe Huygens, and now the astronomers who have analyzed this data have realized the results in the scientific journal Nature.

Among others, the chemical elements present in the atmosphere and soil have been studied and numerous organic compounds have been observed in the atmosphere. According to astronomers, knowing the structure of these compounds helps to understand how the first molecules were formed that allowed to create life on Earth.

Image courtesy of: ESA/NASA/University of Arizona