Titan, lakes and mountains
2007/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

On the satellite Titan of Saturn there are lakes or at least some structures very similar to lakes. In fact, radar images obtained by the Cassini probe clearly show these lake-like structures. The colors of the image are not what the human eye would see being there: the intensity of the color depends on the reflected radar, so the darker areas (those corresponding to the lakes) are the ones that most reflect the radar.
The images have been taken in the Titan Arctic and have counted 75 lakes. They are of many dimensions and structures. Some are about three kilometers and the largest are over seventy. Some are full and some have dry edges.
On the other hand, Cassini has shown the largest mountain of Titan ever seen. It has an approximate length of 150 kilometers and an approximate width of 30 kilometers and an approximate height of 1,500 meters.
They do not know how these mountains were formed, but it is possible that as the tectonic plates of Titan are separated, interior material is produced, just as the central ridge of the Atlantic Ocean is formed on Earth.

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