
In Titan half of the suspicions

2005/06/09 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Analyzing the images taken by the Cassini probe, astronomers believed that in the Titan moon of Saturn there were oceans, deltas and rivers. In addition, given the methane concentration in the atmosphere, the possible presence of hydrocarbon lakes was commented. There are those who talk about the oil seas...

Now, however, they have analyzed better the photos and have not seen any lake, sea or river. The image above, obtained by NASA in October 2004, is the closest to Titan. In the images have been found remains of a giant volcano instead of liquid. Apparently, an eruption caused the appearance of the previously seen streams, and it is possible that the origin of atmospheric methane is also underground.

However, it is clear that Titan can give more than one scare.