
Titan example for earthlings

1992/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The atmospheres of the great planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, have nothing to do with those of the smaller planets, Earth, Venus and Mars.

However, a French-American group, based on observations made by the Voyager I probe and taking advantage of measurements made from Earth, claims that what is known as the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere of the Titane, Saturn's largest satellite, is happening.

Therefore, what happens on Titan is very important for earthlings, as a similar phenomenon occurs here.

Titane and Earth surfaces support the energy emitted by the sun in a visible stretch and then emit it as thermal radiation. Most of this radiation is absorbed by atmospheric gases (hydrogen, methane and nitrogen in the case of Titan and water vapor and carbon dioxide in the case of Earth), which causes atmospheric warming next to the Earth's surface.

In addition, according to these researchers, in the case of Titan most of the solar radiation is absorbed into the high atmosphere. A layer of mist, located at a height between 100 and 500 km, absorbs a lot of sun rays and allows the passage of infrared radiation emitted from the peat. This effect, called "anti-greenhouse effect", causes the surface temperature of the Titane to decrease 9 K, but the greenhouse effect causes the surface to warm 21 K. The result is the heating of the Titane surface of 12 K.

On Earth a similar phenomenon occurs but to a lesser extent. However, volcanoes or nuclear war can increase the "anti-greenhouse effect".

Therefore, what is happening on Titan can be very important to know what not to do.

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