
High temperature superconductor properties illuminated

2009/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

High temperature superconductor properties illuminated
01/03/2009 | Elhuyar
(Photo: R. Simpson)

International researchers have discovered some of the properties and advantages of a family of superconducting materials at "high" temperatures, the family of complex iron arseniurs, and have been published in the journal Nature.

It has been compared to another superconducting family at lower temperature, the family of complex copper oxides, describing the properties it does not possess. On the one hand, they have seen that, unlike complex copper oxides, complex iron arsenide are capable of having superconductors in any direction. This gives them a rather big advantage over others, since using them so far they have had great difficulty orienting the pieces of superconductor material in the right direction.

In addition, according to researchers, new superconductors appear to be able to transport more current and create larger magnetic fields. This is another advantageous property, especially for the manufacture of appliances that require high-power electromagnets, such as high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance tools or high-power particle accelerators.

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