
Cheaper and better mobile phones and GPS

2006/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Cheaper and better mobile phones and GPS
01/01/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: archive)

The Pamplona engineer Francisco Falcone, in his recent doctoral thesis presented at the Public University of Navarra, proposes a series of structures based on metamaterials left for use in smaller, cheaper and better mobile phones, antennas or GPS. This is the world's first doctoral thesis on the applications of left metamaterials. In the group of left metamaterials some special materials known for their electromagnetic properties are collected. These materials are not present in nature, so they have been artificially created. Applying the classic concepts of metamaterials, the researcher and his team have achieved devices with very low losses and their discovery has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters. These devices are filters, couplers, 2., 3rd, Propose the use of antennas and satellite systems for 4th generation communication systems and WLAN. But above all, they are important for their low cost and for their simplicity of production.

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